Well, there\'s no changing your mind Dante. So I will no longer try :) The reason it will be devastating to small businesses, as I\'ve stated many, many times, is that business with 25+ employees will be forced to provide health insurance to their employees. Again, in the middle of a bad economy. This is insane and rather stupid. No wait, REALLY stupid. Say hello to higher unemployment when these small businesses start more job cuts. Source: CSPAN You still haven\'t explained how you expect this bill to be paid. [quote]The CBO has estimated that [b]only[/b] about [b]11 million to 12 million people[/b] would sign up for the public plan, nor is HR3200 a plan to remove private insurance.[/quote] Oh boy! Only 40 million to go then! Boy, what a dent we\'ve made in the number of people without insurance. And it only cost us a trillion dollars we don\'t even have! Yay us! [quote]The CBO has also estimated that public premiums will be 10% lower than private premium. Although the Lewin group has estimated premiums as low as 20%.[/quote] So why do they expect everyone to stick with their private plans? By the way, the plan has been to demonize insurance companies. They\'re totally unfair, evil people stealing your money. Darn them! But if you like your evil, unfair insurance plan, you can keep it :woohoo: The only reason premiums may be 10% lower is because the rest is paid for by those terrible rich people, who somehow magically acquired money. Surely none of them worked for it! What\'s the plan when they run out of rich people to tax? Oh yea, the middle class. Silly me! And now I again live you with this quote: [i]\"We\'re out of money now.\"[/i]--President Obama Hmmm. Yep, we\'re good to go. Bring on the spending.