
count me among those who don\'t fly anymore.. not because I\'m scared of terrorists, but because I respect civil liberties, especially my own, and simply don\'t want to be treated like a criminal, if it can be avoided. I haven\'t flown since 9-11, and have no immediate plans to. Neither have I sworn it off, but if the time came when I caught some grief for paying in cash (I always do- it\'s the only form of actual legal tender we have) I would just have to turn right around and find another way. Of course, in a couple years, it\'ll be a moot point anyway. I renewed my license just before new years\' so I wouldn\'t have to deal with the \"Secure ID\" BS, and they tell me at some point I\'ll be unable to enter planes and federal buildings, unless I go back and get it.

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)