
Oh boy finally a thread i feel like responding to :) Ok now onto my response Well for starters I'm a U.S. Marine and I'm stationed here in Okinawa with 3rd Marine Logistics Group 9th Engineer Support Battalion which deploys to Afghanistan within the next month (sadly I arrived too late to go with them but will be leaving in January) I agree there has been many crime related incidents because in the past weeks there have been incidents within my battalion that have resulted in an NJP pretty much once or twice a week. Which in my opinion is entirely one or two too many. But the fact is leaving entirely would be completely and utterly a hindrance to Marines, sailors, and airmen deployed to hostile zone such as Afghanistan. We are one of the few stations between them and the states. We provide them with support on pretty much everything they need. Once you remove us than supplies will get to the troops much slower and will cost entirely too much. Yes it costs ALOT of money for us to be here but if we leave it will cost the Gov't even more money sending us all somewhere else and leaving that gap open.

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)