In particular I was thinking about stuff that revealed his believes, so debates are fine, as his opinions often led to debate... I know it's hard to believe probably but I probably debated with him on religious matters even more than you all... and I have memories of conversations and stuff but I know he came here often and finding threads that he had left open on his computer was always a nice thing to read through. I just thought I could share that experience that I had reading through threads with his debates with my family, so that they could see what he believed, as I have. I know it was through him that I remembered the Sabbath, that I could keep it holy as commanded. And many many other things... I understand many people might not agree with everything, even if you were the one debating with him, I'm sure there were times where certain points he made just made a lot of sense... and that's the kind of stuff I was hoping to get. If not I can always scroll through the forums, as I'm sure I will anyway. Thank you everyone for your prayers and support.