Nobody meets the requirements that God sets for us. That's the whole point of Christianity: we accept Christ's grace because we are incapable of any good on our own. And, to answer your question, it is entirely possible. Rare, but possible. I myself was homeschooled until high school, where I went to a Christian private school. After graduating, I noticed that not many followed the standard set by the high school...most of my classmates went on to jump from party to party, bed to bed, bottle to bottle, etc. It seems to be a common trend...but there are the few that still seem pretty strong in the faith. I mean, I don't know every detail of any of my classmates' lives, but just from what I've observed. I can't stress how important it is, if you want to stay on track, to surround yourself with like-minded friends and a community of people who [i]really[/i] believe. If you're going by graduation, it's only been two years for me (although I only took one class [i]at[/i] my high school my senior year; the rest were at a public college), but this is just what I've learned in my time out of the constant sheltering of a Christian school. Edit: to clarify for anyone nitpicking, accepting Christ's grace because we are incapable of any good on our own is not literally the whole point of Christianity -- that was an exaggeration. The whole point, obviously, is to glorify God.