
1. [IMG]http://i238.photobucket.com/albums/ff264/chezz_bucket/samurai_1024.jpg[/IMG] I know that some of you guys already know this, but for those of you who didn't, Samurai 7 is my all time favorite. This show is just hard not to like. The action scenes are perfect, the dialog is perfect, and even the story it easy for anyone to follow and fall in love with. I really love the premise to this show. The blend between the future and ancient Japan is just the originality that this show really needed. The action scenes in this show doesn't over power anything, and they are spectacular to set back and enjoy. Here's a scene to show you what the action is like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k40EF0l8_fM&p=F651EF9698E1E94C&playnext=1&index=16 I have no idea who created this show, but I can say that this guy made such a huge risk to make this show into an epic masterpiece. It's just that this idea was never been done before and he or she probably didn't even knew that this was going to be a success to begin with. But a great story line, great action and great characters, this actually deserves to wear the crown jewel to be the greatest and #1 of my list.

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