
I Friday night, my dad finally got for us Netflex, and it's the best thing that my dad has ever given me. This is now the best way I can now watch the movies that I have always wanted to watch. There were so many to choose from, but I only had enough time to watch only 5 movies, so I'm going to give at least 5 short reviews of these movies. 1. [IMG]http://i803.photobucket.com/albums/yy319/FullAnime/ponyo.jpg[/IMG] With all of the movies that Hayao Miyazaki has made, this is one of his best work that I have seen him made. My Neighbor Totoro will always be my all time favorite from him, but this one came close though. The animation in this one has stayed the same, and its great. Just seeing these fishes swim around the trees of what I think is suppose to be Okinawa looks unique. The music is just perfect, and the cast for the English dub was great too. The only two problems that I had with this film was the story. For a kids movie, I thought it might have been pretty complex to understand it all. The second problem was that I thought I found it a little too short for a movie. Its just that I felt as if it went by too quickly. But other than that, this is still a must see, even for movie goers. 4/5 2. [IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj233/twisted_jesse/die_hard_two_ver2.jpg[/IMG] I loved the first one. But this, to me, felt like I was watching the first film. I thought it was kind of a rehash of the first film, but the action was still great in this one. The Bruce Willis that we all know and love is still the John McClain that we all know and love. His humor is still there, and the action star is still in him. Like I said, the plot is still the same, but its still worth watching. 3.5/5 3. [IMG]http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u125/aleciavigander/everthing%20movies/Movie-Poster-The-Warriors.jpg[/IMG] This was a movie that I always wanted to watch a long time, and it wasn't really what I was expecting. I don't mean that in a good way though. But this movie isn't your tipical action movie. For those of you who don't know what this movie is all about, let me explain. Its about this huge organization that has a list of fighting gangs of 9 people who are from New York and have different titles. The main gang is the Warriors. They have this leader of all of these gangs called Sirus, who gets assassinated in front of the whole crowd, and the Warriors gets blamed for it. So everyone is chasing the Warriors down all over New York. The main goal of the whole movie is for the Warriors to escape from the Bronx, into Union Station. So you have all off these gangs, trying to hunt them down, and you also have the NYPD trying to chase them down too. The first half is pretty boring, for me that is, but the second half is great. Seeing these fights are mindless, but are still fun to watch. My favorite gang is the Minor League, where they go around with their baseball jerseys, wearing face makeup and carry their baseball bats to beat up people. But overall, it was just okay for me. The first half was tiring for me, and it felt almost as if the movie was trying to tell us that violence was the answer to everything. But that's my personal opinion. 3/5 4. [IMG]http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa277/megthepeg2142/ST2943The-Breakfast-Club-Posters.jpg[/IMG] This is a movie that I always wanted to review. The Breakfast Club is probably the greatest movie that John Hughes has ever made. I even rate it as one of my favorite movies. This movie was just nothing, but 5 kids who are in detention, with different interest, doing crazy and fun stuff, and its nothing, but dialog. I always loved watching this movie for what it is, and it still remains today as a classic High School movie for me. Much better than Back to the Future. I really love how these guys have different reasons for being in detention, and then face the fact that they are all guilty for what they have done to be in detention. The actors are fantastic, and the music is out of this world great. Even the main theme music is something that everyone knows that will always remain in our heads once you start listening to it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAdaQhitdKg This will always be one of John Hughes' best movies, and it will always be one of my favorites. A perfect 5/5 5. [IMG]http://i892.photobucket.com/albums/ac129/chaluha71/manforum/movie/District9.jpg[/IMG] This movie was also another that I wanted to watch for a long time. Now I finally got my chance. The story was good, but the plot was just alright. Not great, but still alright. The action on the other hand was cool to look at. Peter Jackson as the producer of this movie did a great job at making this movie. The special effects were amazing, and the acting was great. But I was bothered with the foul language in this one. There was just way too much in this one. But it was still fun to watch. Not great, but I still loved it. 4/5

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