
6. The World God Only Knows This one was just recent. When I was in Bible College, I remember seeing one fo my friends reading the manga to it. I regrettably didn't read it, till I saw the trailer for it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUIzq4jdrUA&p=AF41BB43C1B57A78&playnext=1&index=69 I thought that looked cool. That was till I read the manga, and it was kind of funny. I liked it. Then the anime came out, and it was just as good. Did the first episode followed accordingly to the manga? Kind of. But my anime club got a great laugh at it. But the one thing that blew me away was the intro. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q61O1MLRdeU There was just no words that I can use to describe how great it looked. The music and the intro itself fits in perfectly to the show. The digital effects, the layout designs were pretty epic. As a matter in fact, this whole opening itself was epic. When I first saw this opening, I had to put this on my list. There's just no rejection or denial here at all.

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