
Are they a \"CHRISTIAN LAWYER\" or a lawyer that\'s a Christian? My personal experience has witnessed that the person in the first of these occupations by definition will most likely starve to death, but the latter defined occupation has a much better survival rate :) I\'m a CCM artist who finds it sad when good music gets tainted by bad message. However I also understand people (CCM ARTIST TOO) need to \"LIVE\" and I take offense when a non informed brother or sister says well now you just need ta trust the Lord with your ministry while they themselves don\'t support CCM at all but support everything else and go out and buy the latest greatest Honky Tonk CD\'s. :) I personally love CCM and \"WHOLESOME\" well crafted music. I respect the craftsmanship and know the time/labor/money/creative passion that is involved. The tough thing about being a \"Christian\" artist is that while many people are going and doing their \"job\" each day, and many times a \"crappy\" one, they will be paid regardless, even if their heart aint much in it. The CCM artist can put their whole heart life and passion into their work and make little or nothing! I don\'t blame artists who are Christian for putting their creative skills to work on secular albums. They are people who work for a living and need to provide for themselves and their families. Try putting \"CHRISTIAN\" behind any business name or trade billboard and let me know how that works out for one. I\'d rather see the Christian ethic proactively applied in the background of what somebody does (Lawyer/Plumber/Doctor/Contractor/Artist)

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