
Last summer my dad was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer in his esophagus. I'm not sure what the medical term for it is, but his mom had a different type of cancer in her esophagus as well, and she's been cancer free for almost 7 years now... So we were all pretty confident that my dad would have equally great results. He went through chemo and radiation for a couple months, and then in September he had surgery. I'm not exactly sure how the surgery goes, but I do know that they had to take out part of his esophagus and stretch his stomach up. Afterwards, they said that he had clear margins, meaning they couldn't see any cancer cells. He went back in January for another check up, and they still couldn't see any signs of cancer. But lately, probably a week ago, he started having trouble swallowing his food, and sometimes it would just come back up. Those were pretty much the same signs he had in the first place before he knew he had cancer, but my mom thought it might just be scar tissue built up after the surgery... So yesterday, he went to the doctor's and got some tests done, and today he went back to get his results. As it turns out, the cancer is back. He's still at the hospital now getting tests done to see how bad it is, and what they can do about it, and we should find out tomorrow what it looks like. Prayers right now would be greatly appreciated. I thought the prayers he got last time were enough, but it looks like we need a few more!

XS (Extra Small) SM (Small) MD (Medium) LG (Large)