
It can definitely be difficult to not have much social interaction, particularly with those you would very much like to. I would like for you to note that, while it's definitely no replacement for real, human interaction, I've found the community here to be a huge help whenever I need some friends to talk to. I don't know what it's like to have a family member that talks like that, but I once dated a girl who did that. It was rather difficult (not to mention foolish in hindsight), but you just have to decide what you're going to base your worth on: what your family member says...or upon the fact that have talents and skills, that you are an individual, that you have a family and friends, and that you plan on living your life around what God wants for you (from how you worded your post). That is value, my friend. In regards to working with your current situation, perhaps you could get more involved in a church and try meeting some new people there to hang out with or at least talk to? Either way, I hope you remember the first thing I said -- this is a great community and you can really make some great friends here who will most definitely notice if you disappear. :)

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