[b]BrotherReed wrote:[/b] [quote]An unusual choice,.[/quote] How come? 26. [IMG]http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii256/unexsistant/Dick_Tracy.jpg[/IMG] I\'m just going to admit that I have never heard of Dick Tracy, until I started to watch the AVGN\'s review of that crappy NES game. I started to fall in love with this movie, right on the moment I watched it. It grabbed my attention from looking at how cool this movie looked. I loved the way how Warren Beatty directed this movie, as well as playing as Dick Tracy. The cast is great too. Al Paccino, Dustin Hoffman and Madonna are all in this movie. The best part about it was how close this movie came to looking like a comic. It was as colorful as a comic, just like how colorful Who Framed Roger Rabbit was. It kind of felt like it was Roger Rabbit to me, because you have a detective as the main character, and it was based somewhere in the 40s. I even felt like the dialog and the acting was kind of similar too. However, the plot was obviously not. The music in this film was great. Even Madonna\'s songs were great too. Here\'s one, for example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTL5cbMPfyw The only problem that I found about this film that I\'ve always wondered is why doesn\'t anyone ever talk about this film? It never gets mentioned from anyone. The last person I have ever known to mankind was just James Rolfe, and that was because of his review of the game. I feel kind of sad that this was lost in time, and never mentioned again. But the best part of this movie was that it was never tried to be remade by anyone. That, to me, is great, because this film should never be touched by a single filmmaker on the face of the earth. That is if he wants to watch it on his spare time.