
[quote] But just for arguments sake... are you suggesting that one who smokes pot is condemned to hell? or that they couldn't make a scripturally backed argument beyond the comprehension of someone who instead "drinks coffee" (oh the HUMANITY!)...[/quote] Because the topic of pot vs smarts came up: This brain can't beat the normal brain. Then again, we look at the caffeine abused brain: http://www.impactlab.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/caffeine-brain.jpg Vs the normal brain:http://www.impactlab.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/normal-brain.jpg So technically, those two fighting about which is better or which is worse is a lose-lose situation. Both, frankly, are doomed. Not that that has anything to do with this thread. I just thought I'd speak up on that because I'm super tired of the "Which one is healthier/I'm not hurting myself at all" argument...

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