
Good Day, My name is William. I go by many nicknames, mostly by Will on here. The reason I have posted this, is to tell you that I will always be here during hard times, when you need someone to talk to, or when you are just bored. Although I am not an Admin, SuperAdmin, or a Moderator, I will try my best to answer any questions you may have. Here are some tips I have aquired and would like to share: 1) While in chat, it is easier to talk and jump into a conversation to make friends rather then post the link to your page and ask for buddies.* *This isn't always true. If not all, most Moderators, Admins, and SuperAdmins will reply and greet you, if there are any in chat. 2) If you disagree on a certain topic, it is prefered that you state your point nicely rather than be rude and say that others are wrong for believing the opposite of what you do. 3) "It is better to keep your mouth shut and have people assume you are a fool then to open your mouth and prove to everyone that you are." (If this is not the exact qoute, I am sorry, I am trying to remember it from memory) Many of us might have already heard this qoute, but the basic breakdown from my thinking is: When you are unsure about something you say, people prefer you to actually say that you are unsure, rather than you try and say that you are right...that you are providing the correct answer, when you aren't sure of it.* *That is what I got out of this qoute. If you think of something different, please reply to this topic with what you think it is, or PM me. I really would like to hear other's opinions on it(: 4) Ask questions! If you don't know something, just ask. Everyone is wiling to help, and if they don't know the answer, then ask a Moderator, Admin, and/or a SuperAdmin. There is no such thing as a stupid question! 5) Be polite and respectful, and others will do the same for you! If you are rude, you just might get a rude response, or a warning (If this is your first offense) from a Moderator, Admin, and/or a SuperAdmin. Well, I hope this helps! God Bless You, & Have a good day, William (TrueTalent)

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