
[b]samsono500 wrote:[/b] [quote]GOD created Adam on the sixth day of the week (06/01/00) ref-Genesis 1: 26-31.Then in Genesis 5:3-5 Adam (the begining of creation) lived 130 years, and begat Seth, that is the creation (130 years) when seth was. And seth lived 105 years and begat Enos (vs 6-8),the creation will be 130+105 # 235 years. Enos (vs 9-11 ) lived 90 years and begat Cainan 235 + 90 # 325. However by using the same method, we have 1231 year (from vs 12-32), so all the years will be 325+ 1231 # 1556 years from the creation. The flood started 100 years after Noah begat his firstborn 100+1556 # 1656 and ended a year later 1657, ref-Genesis 7 : 11 ; 8 :13-19. thanks[/quote] Uh huh... Mind telling me how two people spawned the whole of the human race without succumbing to the deleterious effects of inbreeding? Or better yet where all the diversity in the modern human genome came from? What, did God just pop it out of thin air? And that's not even touching on the many reasons why a world-wide deluge could not happen. [img size=150]http://cache.ohinternet.com/images/thumb/7/73/JeanLucPicardFacepalm.jpg/618px-JeanLucPicardFacepalm.jpg[/img] Dante

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