
[b]Gamester4 wrote:[/b] [quote]My thoughts on this matter. *Warning some language my be mildly offensive.* [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI3DlIrvoHg]Link[/url][/quote] Your thoughts are ignorant and abhorrent, representing the worst kind of attitude held by those who wish to lurk away from the issues that find controversy within religious communities. It's a convenient position for you, because you seem to have no interest in understanding the world around you and by maintaining such a position you can avoid criticism from both sides of the argument, saving you from both performing self-study to make an informed opinion on the matter and from holding your own beliefs under the light of scrutiny. I care because history is important. I care because understanding the implications of scientific findings matters, which is ironically responsible for the very medium by which you share your opinion here, is important. I care because I don't wish to be a blissful ignoramus who overlooks anything I don't understand or matters of controversy. I care because the very principles of physics by which we utilize nuclear medicine are the same principles that tell us how old the Earth is, and because you cannot ignore knowledge in one area while accepting it in another. I care because the very principles of biology by which we create antibiotics and antivirals are the same principles that tell us about the evolution of life on Earth. You live in a glass house, and then you posture about who cares how dinner plates are made. But worse yet, you live in a unique period of time; for no one before you has ever had such easy access to such a wide array of knowledge and information, yet you are disinterested. Billions before you lived and died in ignorance and yet you don't even care to know? What is wrong with you? Dante

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