
I AM THE LORD! I DO NOT CHANGE!... And My words declare My glory... My message reveals My majesty and the power of My strength... STOP STARING AT MY MESSENGERS![b][/b] Therefore, oh ignorant peoples, flee from all these pastors and run from all your teachers... Blind guides, who closely adhere to every form of doctrine and tradition of men, while forsaking Me and My Word. Escape all these chains, by which you are bound by the weight of their false doctrines and their detestable traditions! Hurry and seek out wisdom, and fill yourselves with knowledge... Seek to buy new oil, from those who sell the pure oil! They will not withhold, for I have sent them... They will gladly pour out. Yea, they have received an abundance of oil from the storehouses, by which you may surely relight your lamps, if you so choose to receive them. HURRY NOW! Darkness has already fallen!... And soon the fullness of night will come in, where no one will be able to work, save those who will be set up as beacons. These are they who are both seen and unseen, those who will pass through the multitudes barely noticed, yet clearly set on a hill for all to see and hear. I tell you, no man in authority will find them, nor can any device of men track them, nor can any do them harm... http://trumpetcallofgodonline.com/index.php5?title=Gnashing_Children

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