
Relient K or Hawk Nelson


18 year(s) ago

Today, I just randomly thought (I randomly think of many things) of another reason I'm not fond of HN.........KAZOO!! I was not particularly impressed with their second CD, and then I heard the kazoo solo and I about had to stop the CD :laugh: ...maybe if they had a song with an awesome banjo part like RK, they could redeem themselves ;)


18 year(s) ago

[b]theLoser wrote:[/b] [quote]Today, I just randomly thought (I randomly think of many things) of another reason I'm not fond of HN.........KAZOO!! I was not particularly impressed with their second CD, and then I heard the kazoo solo and I about had to stop the CD :laugh: ...maybe if they had a song with an awesome banjo part like RK, they could redeem themselves ;)[/quote] aww! The kazoo is the funnest part!! lol!:laugh: B)

Post edited by: Staticstellarhawk, at: 2007/02/08 23:09


18 year(s) ago

i think that relient k has become a very talented band. it's rare in this genre to find a band that is really good, and relient k is definitely one of those bands. while i really don't like listening to them, they do stand out from the rest. relient k stands out. hawk nelson is pretty generic. they don't do anything out of the ordinary, their lyrics are uncreative, their music is pretty simplistic and boring, and they just seem to me like another boy band with guitars, as the pop punk genre generally is. i sometimes wonder why a few of my friends who are 20 listen to bands like hawk nelson, since they really seem like the type of stuff most people grow out of after junior high.

Post edited by: screams, at: 2007/02/08 23:13


18 year(s) ago

[b]horsechic1990 wrote:[/b] [quote]I like both bands, but I am going with Relient K. because I like more of their songs.[/quote] Also, I agree with narnia. Relient K has way better and more indepth song lyrics which also helps to create good songs. Also, Relient K songs get stuck in my head pretty easily (only songs I like get stuck in my head!;) ) and Hawk Nelson songs rarely get stuck in my head. Relient K is better, but Hawk Nelson isn't particualarly (spelling?) bad, they just aren't my favorite. I prefer bands like Creed that have awesome guitar parts in their songs or bands like Relient K that have awesome catachy song lyrics.


18 year(s) ago

relient k [b]hands down.[/b]

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