
Content Rejected
Ronnie Hyde
2 years ago
Edited 2 years ago

3/13/2023 | 2:02 pm

Exodus 15:2 The Lord is my strength and song, and He is become my salvation:  He is my God, and I will prepare him a habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him.

This verse caught my attention because of the difference he states between the one speaking, i.e., the son; and the father. In the case of David and Solomon it was the son?s job to build a house for God, not the Father?s. In the case of God the Father, and God the Son, it was the son who said: ?I go to prepare a place for you?. Maybe there is a spiritual principle here that can be explored deeper.

Exodus 15:2 The  Lord  is my strength and song, and He is become my salvation:   He is my God, and I will prepare him a habit… Read More
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