who says everything on christmas is all about presents? a lot of u and u no it! well its not ok its about celebrating JeSuS bIrTh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!well i have a story 4 u. on sunday christmas eve my sister and cousin said oh i dont wanna go 2 church 2 day i hate church its boring so my grandma said well dont u guys go 2 ur friends birthday partys when they invite u. right probably so ashlyn and my cousin said yes they do so my grandma said then lets go 2 church 2 celebrate JeSuS birthday. but they still didnt want 2 but u have 2 think christmas isnt just about getting gifts its about the memories and celebrating JeSuS birthday so go 2 church noing that its jesus birthday and u r going 2 celebrate that!!!!!!!!
who says everything on christmas is all about presents? a lot of u and u no it! well its not ok its about celebrating JeSuS bIrTh…Read More