If she likes you...
1. She will wait for you.
2. She will say hi to you EVERYTIME she sees you...unless she's shy.
3. She SMILES whenever she sees you
4. She will walk as slow as she can when shes WITH you... just to make it last longer
5. She plays with YOUR HANDS just to see if you'll let her hold them
6. She teases you about stupid things
7. She ASKS you to go places with her and do things for her
8. Her friends ask you if you like her
9. Her friends point at you when you're with her
10. She always "just happens" to be staring
11. She CAN'T CONCENTRATE on anything else except the next time she'll get to see you
12. Her HEART BEATS FASTER than normal at just the thought of your name... trust me: it happens!
13. Her friends dont understand why she's attracted to you, but she cant think of ANY REASON why she WOULDN'T be attracted (Who does that sound like? lol)
14. She purposely says she's cold just to see if you'll hug her
15...and when you do... SHE WISHES YOU'D NEVER LET GO
If he likes you...
1. He will sit by you whenever he can
2. He always takes things from you and hides them
3. He makes eye contact as much as possible
4. He messes with your hair
5. He laughs at you just to see you smile and tell him to shut up!
6. He asks about your day
7. When the two of you have play fights, he always argues, no matter what
8. He sneaks up on you
9. His friends ask if you're going out yet (and yours, too!)
10. ..he tells you he loves you, and really means it
... Now, make a wish about the person you like...
.Now scroll down... ... .... ..... ...... ....... ........ ......... .......... ........... ............ ............. .............. ............... ................ ................. .................. ................... .................... ..................... ......................keep going..... ..................... .................... ................... .................. ................. ................ ............... .............. ............. ............ ........... .......... ......... ........ ....... ...... ..... .... ... ... .. . Now, since you read this (and then had the patience to scroll,) sometime tomorrow something good will happen with that CERTAIN SOMEONE... but only if you repost =]
if your a guy repost with - If she likes you.. if your a girl repost with - If he likes you... |