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Katelynn Johnson
16 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

In loving memory of Tanya Timms

Cry I resently heard the news that a teacher of mine Mrs.Tanya Timms has past on, and I don't mean a school teacher I mean a church teacher. She was a very good teacher and I close friend and she was always ther when i needed her and she was by my side through the hard times in my life. She loves and respected eveerybody and showed a loveing and caring jesture to evrybody she met. i am going to her funeral and I hope that its' not too hard for me to go and she her family in all the sorrow and pain that they are filling @ this very moment! I will never forget her and I'm sure that nobody else that knows her!!!!! RIP TANYA TIMMS!!! WE LOVE AND MISS YOU! SEE YOU IN HEAVEN SOMEDAY!
 I resently heard the news that a teacher of mine Mrs.Tanya Timms has past on, and I don't mean a school teacher I mean … Read More
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