It's All About ME!!! | |
Name :: | |
Birthday :: | may 10 |
Age :: | 10 |
Residence :: | |
Status :: | |
Hair :: | red |
Eyes:: | green |
Height :: | 4.8 |
Most Missed Memory :: | |
Most Embarrassing Moment :: | |
Tatoos? :: | no |
Piercings? :: | no |
Short Term Goals :: | no |
Long Term Goals :: | to be a vet |
Grades :: | 5 |
PICK | |
Coke or Pepsi :: | pepsi |
MD or BK :: | |
TV or Movie :: | movie |
Cats or Dogs :: | dogs |
Apple or Orange :: | apple |
Mexican or Chinese :: | no |
Winter or Summer :: | summer |
Flip Flops or Tennis Shoes :: | flip flops |
Accesories or Awesome Outfit :: | awsome outfit |
Myspace or Facebook :: | My space |
Laptop or Desktop :: | laptop |
Mom or Dad :: | mom |
Work Out or Run :: | run |
Fly or Roadtrip :: | fly |
Blind or Deaf :: | deaf |
Horrors or Comedies :: | comedies |
Color :: | pink |
Quote :: | |
Food :: | salad |
Drink :: | pepsi |
Fast Food :: | mc donalds |
Candy :: | chocolate |
Music :: | black eyed peas |
Movie :: | she's the man |
TV Show :: | spongebob |
Sport :: | dance |
Age (so far) :: | 10 |
Video Game :: | new super mario bros |
Board Game :: | game of life |
Height :: | 4.8 |
Body Type :: | i dont know |
Eye Color :: | green |
Hair :: | red |
Same age? Older? Younger? :: | same age |
Sport :: | dance |
Instrument :: | piano |
Ideal Date :: | september 12 |
Toothpaste :: | creast |
Shampoo :: | fruitis |
Deodorant :: | secret sparkle |
Lotion :: | none |
Scent :: | none |
Makeup :: | none |
Pet Peeves :: | none |
Stuffed Animal :: | alot |
Do you hate anybody? :: | no |
Does anybody hate you? :: | no |
Favorite Celebrity :: | zac efron |
Regrets :: | none |
Place you would most like to visit :: | london |
Are you a Procrastinator? :: | no |
Do you like to Dress Up? :: | no |
Will you walk outside barefoot? :: | yes |
If you had a genie, what would you wish for? :: | to be rich |
If you could choose, would you live forever? :: | yes |
What do you like most about yourself? :: | i am nice |
If you could have one thing/person right now, what/who would it be? :: | money |
When did/will you graduate? :: | in a long time |
What material thing could you not do without? :: | nothing |
Can you write poetry? :: | yes |
Are you a trustworthy person? :: | yes |
Think of your best friend, would they die for you? :: | yes |
Are you mostly pleased with your life? :: | yes |
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