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kayleigh waters
17 years ago
Edited 9 years ago


im just really bored cuz no one is on AIM so im blogging. Even thought i dont really kno anybody on here, heres some updates on my life:

1. sadly, my aunt beckee who was recently married to a guy on eharmony is quite possibly divorcing him. he seemed really kewl and it seemed like he really loved God, but she said he duznt like to pray or go to church or any of those things she would want in a strong Christian husband.

2. i really miss my friend kayla! she moved to north carolina this summer and i've never had one of my friends move away so its really really sad.

3. picture day is tmrw and i hate picture day! but i feel worse for my friend joy. she was at a soccer game yesterday and she got kicked...IN THE EYE! so she has a nice swollen black eye riiite before picture day! poor girl..

yeah theres more but their minor and wouldn't make sense unless you really knew me so yeah. bye

im just really bored cuz no one is on AIM so im blogging. Even thought i dont really kno anybody on here, heres some updates on … Read More
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