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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/boots95
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Jordan ghasdouGDSAO
me and my mom at the Americon Idol concert
Jordan ghasdouGDSAO
Jordan ghasdouGDSAO
HaHa No fair :cry: :cry:
MyPraize Band
We got about 2 inches of snow... That\'s alot 4 us here!! :lol:
MyPraize Band
Doing good!! Hoping for some snow :wink:
Jordan ghasdouGDSAO
Me 2 All We gat Is Stupid Ice But snow would be nice :D :D
Jordan ghasdouGDSAO
Good how are you today
MyPraize Band
How r u :?: :?:
Jordan ghasdouGDSAO
Hey Whats Goin On Justed Wanted To tell YAH I love yah ;ots Your Big Sissey Do
MyPraize Band
Thanx 4 the add!! God Bless U!! :D
Jordan ghasdouGDSAO
Hey whats goin on 8)
Jordan ghasdouGDSAO
Hey Whats Up u havent Been on 4 a while whats Goin on???????? :?:
Jordan ghasdouGDSAO
__@@@@@@@@___ __ _____@@@@@@_________ ___ ___@@@@@@___________ ___ __@@@@@@@___________ __ ___@@@@@@___________ ___ _____@@@@@@_________ ___ _________@@@@@@@@___ __ ____________________ _______ ______@@@@@@@@@_____ __ __@@@@@_______@@@@@_ _ _@@@@@_________@@@@@ _ _@@@@@_________@@@@@ _ _@@@@@_________@@@@@ _ __@@@@@_______@@@@@_ _ ______@@@@@@@@@_____ __ ____________________ _______ ______@@@@@@@@@_____ __ __@@@@@_______@@@@@_ _ _@@@@@_________@@@@@ _ _@@@@@_________@@@@@ _ _@@@@@_________@@@@@ _ __@@@@@_______@@@@@_ _ ______@@@@@@@@@_____ __ ____________________ ____ __@@@@@@____________ ____ __@@@@@@____________ ____ __@@@@@@____________ ____ __@@@@@@____________ ____ __@@@@@@____________ ____ __@@@@@@@@@@@@@@___ __@@@@@@@@@@@@@@___ __@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Jordan ghasdouGDSAO
asked me \"what do u want? a million dollars, or a true friend?\". I chose a million dollars.....because i already got you. *Send this to 20 of ur true friends of mypraize, If u get this back ur a true friend 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000_000000000 000000 00000000000000___00000000 000000 0000000000000_____0000000 000000 000000000000_______000000 000000 00000000000_________00000 000000 0________________________ ____00 000_______*TRUE FRIEND*___ _000 000000 __________________ 000000 0000000_________________0 000000 000000_________0_________ 000000 00000_______0000000______ _00000 0000_____0000000000000___ __0000 000___0000000000000000000 ___000 00__000000000000000000000 00__00 0_00000000000000000000000 0000_0 0000000000000000000000000 000000
Jordan ghasdouGDSAO
love God no matter what?\" repost this to 5 other people that u now in 5 mines. If You Truly Love GOD. A miracle Will Happen Tonight. P.S. Don?t ignore God always watches

My {{hash}}

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