One of the most difficult thing to do in life is to understand something. It several times much easier to handle things, use them, enjoy them, abuse them, despise them.For example most people who use television, do not really understand exactly how it is made or how it works, nether do those who use aircraft for transport, nor those who sit and enjoy the cinema.
While is not really important to have good understanding of most things we relate with in life, it is extremely beneficial to a good understanding of anything that is critical or very important to our life. Money is one such material.You see really cannot take full advantage of anything you do not understand. For example, the understanding the principle of electricity converted a 6-hour working day into a 24- hour working day in developed economies.
The understanding of the principle of floatation and geography turned the ocean and seas into a transport medium instead of fiery gulf between nations. The understanding of the principles of aviation turned the air into transport medium instead of an empty mysterious place of fear and wonder.
Anything you fully understand you master. Anything you do not fully understand masters you.
The key to control with anything in life is understanding. You control anything you understand, anything you do not understand controls you. That is why Pro_4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
God will always remain the master in all spheres of life because you cannot fully comprehend him in all things.
Unfortunately money will remain your master if you have very little understanding of it. So when Jesus said :
Mat 6:24 No one can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
He meant that lack of understanding of money will make money your master and turn God into your enemy. Money when you understand it is a good servant, but when you do not it is wicked master.
Mat 6:25 Therefore I say to you, Do not be anxious for your life, what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor for your body, what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
So when money master or controls you, you measure your self by what you do not have instead of what you already posses. You focus your priority to pursuing money and what money can buy thinking one day you will have enough of money to make you its master. I believe it is the will of God for the children of God have a correct and Godly understanding of money so that we can master money and Make God our master
What is money?
Money! Everybody wants it; nobody wants to lose it; most people don?t have enough of it; only very few people understand it! The question is: What is money?
The dictionary defines Money as a measure of value. You will notice that the central the definition above is VALUE. The word value means usefulness, benefits, or solutions to problems. Money is a measure of sefulness or benefits.
The implication of this new definition is quite profound. Going by the new definition of money, it is impossible for money to exist without value. Money is to value what shadow is to an object. While it is possible for an object to exist without shadow, it is impossible for shadow to exist without object! Money is to value what the body is to the spirit.
James 2: 26
For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also Dead Money
Money without corresponding value is dead! The reason why most people are perpetually poor is because they are trying to hold onto money without offering corresponding value. It is like trying to romance a dead body.
Death is usually preceded by sickness characterized by specific symptoms.
In any economy, inflation and devaluation are symptoms of sick money. When money dies it is called economic depression or economic recession.
The death of money is always followed by burial ceremonies and rites called staff downsizing and stock market crashes. Money will always be readjusted to the corresponding value or benefit it represents.
Why People are Money Poor
Money was created because of value; therefore value is superior to money. Money is a resource, value is resourcefulness. Poor countries talk about resource control and natural resources, developed economies focus on resourcefulness and resources utilization. God did not have any money when he created the universe, but he possessed tremendous amount of value! Before money was invented, value was exchanged through trade by barter.
Money Skill #1 ? Understand Money
You are not poor because you don?t have money, you are poor because you cannot recognize or properly harness your value . When you do not have money, if you can recognize, organize and skillfully exchange your values, money will flow into your life automatically!
No Value, No Money
Value is superior to money in so many ways. First, money can fail while value cannot.
During major wars, people often reject money as means of exchange and prefer other tangible things of value such as food, bullets, and guns as medium of exchange.
Ecc 7:12 For wisdom is a defense, and money is a defense; but the excellency of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to those who have it.
Also, money often has limited geographical relevance. For instance, irrespective of the volume of naira note you have in your possession, once you cross over to Ghana, you cannot buy anything unless you first exchange the money to its cedi equivalent.
To be continued in part 2
Abraham Laleye
President Spiritual Skills Academy