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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/cool2bme
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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  • {{sficVm.realCommentsLength(content)}}
cyndi bishton
uh i think so.lol ull have to excuse me.im in a blonde mood
cyndi bishton
*slaps forehead* i think i replyd to my own post my mistake :lol:
Zach Uhh...Smith!
You said:\"Dude that is so funny that you lost your adapter at the same time :lol: \" So I said: \"I have dial-up,not wireless\". Make sense?
cyndi bishton
dude im so cunfuzzled :?: :lol:
Zach Uhh...Smith!
I have dial-up not wireless X0. You musta gotten me confused with someone else :o)
cyndi bishton
i dont think i have wi-fi but im not sure....dude thats so funny that you lost your wirelss adapter i did the same thing at about the same time :D
Zach Uhh...Smith!
Do you have like wi-fi?
cyndi bishton
hey sorry 4 not being on in a while. i lost my wireless adapter :roll:
cyndi bishton
lol Drake bell.and hes the guy on drake and josh :D
Zach Uhh...Smith!
Sorry,I just saw your comment.Sure!
Rickee Epps
who\'s brake bell?
cyndi bishton
lalalalalaaaaaaaa :shock: :D
cyndi bishton
hey u look a little like brake bell :D
cyndi bishton
hiya how u doin?long time no see :)
cyndi bishton
hiya. could i add u on as a friend? u seem like a lot of fun.oh and i like the ff5 thing they rock harder than rock itself :D

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