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Scott Simpson
1 year ago
Edited 1 year ago

A novel like no other: The Shroud of the Second Coming

Welcome to a novel, unlike anything you've ever encountered
before. And with the same caliber as "The Shack," we present to you "The
Shroud of the Second Coming."  

What if in one possible future, the burial
cloth of Jesus Christ is proven to be authentic? That the technology of the
given time can identify the creation of something so extraordinary that it goes
way beyond scientific understanding. And what if someone was to tell you that
it could happen in this lifetime? Well, there is such a possibility, and based
on scientific facts with biblical understanding is such a story describing that

This fantasy has it all: The Shroud of Turin, the Hadron Particle Collider,
Spiritual Intervention, World Involvements, and the Second Coming.

In the near future, an Earthquake erupts out in the West Bank desert, creating an eerie
blue glow that forms over a valley they call the Corridor. Looked upon as a
scientific phenomenon, science and religion have a need to investigate, and
during their research, experience anomalies that go way beyond human
understanding. Soon these paranormals are recognized as spiritual occurrences
and become quarantined by the allied forces. During this time, the Particle
Collider in Europe has inadvertently discovered another dimensional plane that
the Holy Spirit had orchestrated. However, what they recognize as the fourth
dimension is, in fact, the spiritual world of God. And it's there that they
make the most significant find of them all when testing for the Shroud's
authenticity. As with these discoveries warrant, the Second Coming on the
horizon, creating a global impact that alters the course of humanity.

Welcome to a novel, unlike anything you've ever encountered before. And with the same caliber as "The Shack," we present… Read More
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