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Scott Simpson
1 year ago
Edited 1 year ago

12/23/2023 | 5:19 pm

Hamilton County, TN Author Publishes Faith-Based Fantasy

17, 2022 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News

The Shroud of the Second Coming, a new book by Scott
Simpson, has been released by RoseDog Books.

Based on facts, this fantasy has it all; the Shroud of Turin, the Hadron
Particle Collider, spiritual intervention, paranormal events, world
involvement, battles, and global terrorism.

In the near future, an earthquake erupts out in the West Bank desert, creating
an eerie blue glow that forms over a valley they call The Corridor. Looked upon
as a scientific phenomenon, science and religion have a need to investigate.
And during their research, they experience anomalies that go way beyond human
understanding and are soon observed as spiritual occurrences. Further up north
is the particle collider in Europe and its discovery of another dimensional
plane. It's there that they make the most significant find of them all when
allowed to test the Shroud for authenticity. In effect, it's repercussions have
a global impact that alters the course of humanity.

Visit the author's website at https://shroudsecondcoming.com/.

Check out the author's video introduction to his
book on Vimeo: 

Hamilton County, TN Author Publishes Faith-Based Fantasy Novel October 17, 2022 (PRLEAP.COM)  Entertainment News T… Read More
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