13 ways To Bug Ur Parents
1. Run into walls
2.Run into there room at 4 in the morning and yell "MORING SUNSHINE!"
3. Moo every time they call or say your name
4.Yell out in the street "NO MOM/DAD I WONT KISS YOU!"
5.Pretend you have amnesia
6.Talk to a pen
7.Pretend your a telephone
8.Hold their hand and whisper "I see dead people"
9.Wear a sticker on your head that says "IM A..."
10.When your in the bath yell "IM DROWNING" ~I wouldn't do that one personally~
11.Pretend to have 20 imaginary friends you talk to ALL the time
12.Tap on their bedroom door at night
13.Say that wearing clothes is against your religion
1. Run into walls 2.Run into there room at 4 in the morning and yell "MORING SUNSHINE!" 3. Moo every time they call or s…
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