HABAKKUK 2 SAYS TO WRITE THE VISION DOWN FOR ALL TO SEE. Thats the only reason I'm showing this prophetic dream I had about the cancer being defeated in my life... Praise his name!
i think and hope this is part 1 of a 2 part dream...
i was working in erdmans barn, with hay, etc. by myself and a strange "neighbor" came by and took some hay and then warned me there was a brown bear on the loose in the area.
i walked out the barn door and seen in the distance a huge bear.. i got scared so i went back in the barn and started to climb the rafters. then in came the bear being followed by 2 hunters.. the bear was huge at first. the one with the crossbow shot it and it looked dead but got back up. they kept shooting the bear and it got smaller but was still fierce and was swiping at them and me... it started to pursue me as i was climbing higher and even bit my left leg... as i climbed higher on the beams he could not reach me and i woke up.
mine & waynes interpertation based on prayer:
possibly the man warned of a threat of cancer in that area (which is where i grew up), maybe based on electrical lines or unnatural conditions somehow, gas, something... the bear was cancer pursuing me... the hunter were doctors who could not kill the cancer, it (bit) took my leg, and kept coming, but could not reach me the higher in the Lord i climbed.
i know i need to keep cliimbing higher in the LOrd, every day. the docs may not be able to take this thing. but God already has.
HABAKKUK 2 SAYS TO WRITE THE VISION DOWN FOR ALL TO SEE. Thats the only reason I'm showing this prophetic dream I had about the …
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