
Content Rejected
Steve Wilson
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago


Note From the Author:  Even though this piece was written over five years ago, I don't thing it's relevance can be overlooked.  Life is full of change; some of which is fully embraced and other change, not so much.  If you are familiar with obedience under the Lordship of Christ, you are quite aware that life change is inevitable as God transitions us from where we are to where we need to be...enjoy the journey!

The Merriam-Webster definition of the word TRANSITION is: passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another: change. Transition is an important part of life and can be both exciting and scary simultaneously.  If we are fortunate enough to live for any length of time, we will go through many "transitions" through our lifetime; from childhood to adulthood, from student to teacher, and if we are truly blessed, from child to parent to grandparent.  As for my wife and me, we are soon transitioning into the grandparent mode.

What makes this transition even more “fun” is the fact we decided to make a physical move to another state which involves my finding other employment.  Since we both have felt a great sense of urgency for some time to make this move, the Saturday after Christmas was a complete tear down, inside and out, of anything that screamed Christmas and/or wasn't necessary to keep around for the "staging" of the house to prepare it for market.  The word stage seems so innocent but packs a punch as anything that makes a house a home disappears as every room is "staged" to highlight the positive attributes and accentuate the room size as well as to minimize any negative or problem areas.  What was once our safe refuge, our haven of rest has quickly become a sterile model home.

At the same time, my resume has been updated and polished so as to gain the "WOW' factor.  I guess you could say I've also been "staged" as I look for employment.

We all try to stage ourselves from time to time, to mask the "real" us from the prying eyes of the public or the hearts of those we love, or even God.  Just ask how someone is doing and you'll probably have a four letter "F" word flung at you so quick, you'd think a fast ball was thrown at your head.  "FINE!" they would say while deep inside, they were far from it; for inside their hearts the rooms weren't swept, the beds weren't made and there was half eaten pizza tossed on the counter top.  It is so easy for clutter to accumulate in the recesses of our soul; but instead of dirty floors it may be resentment, and instead of unmade beds it could be betrayal, and instead of that stone cold stiff piece of pizza it might just be unbridled anger eating away at the peace you so desperately need.

But fortunately for us, Jesus is in the renovation business and he loves fixer uppers.  Jesus doesn't want us to wait until we are perfect (which we'll never be in this world) to come to Him, He wants us just as we are; a broken down shack full of cracked walls, leaky pipes, uneven floors and drafty windows.  God wants to make our hearts His home but we have to give Him the permit to do a remodel on us.  And don't think this will be a painless process; there will definitely be some pain involved as our "stuff" is thrown in the trash bin and walls are blown out to make room for perhaps more love and compassion.

While we allow God to change our hearts and minds, He knows we are a work in progress and it takes time.  Only God knows how much change we can actually take at one time but one thing is certain.  God isn't "staging" us to impress anyone else.  He IS changing us into what we were meant to be in the first place...an object of His affection.

Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ      Philippians 1:6 (NKJV)

Note From the Author:   Even though this piece was written over five years ago, I don't thing it's relevance can be overlooke… Read More
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