Psalm 56
Well Im in computer class right now and I have been thinking all since yesterday at church. Some of my friends can see angels and some cant. So during worship I was tunning out from the music and just talking with God. Thinking things over and if seeing my angel was what I really wanted then and there. So I asked God, Am I ready? May I recieve this gift to see my angel, If not mine someone else?... I mean I look at myself and dont see anything as a "gift". Im just me plain and simple. Anyways... God replied. Saying yes you are ready but for something else... He gave me images of flaws ive seen in others, Past experiances where things were bad and I should of spoken up. God told me he has given me to see the good in others, but more the bad...The flaws that are leading them in the wrong area. He said I am here to fight that. I need to speak up. Dont feel bad when you see the bad, note that it is only to help. He didnt tell me oh rachel im letting you choose to have this and do something.. no he said rachel I NEED you to see that wrong, I NEED you to fix it... and lil ol me ive always been known as the shy one. Im really loud when it comes to friends but being honest or telling others I barely know things.. I cant... and this is what God has put me here to do???.. So after church I was talking to my friend Nick. And we were hanging out with other friends but he told them we needed to talk. So we talked about my life, my friends, things I regret or feel were wrong. I didnt mention anything about what God said to me until later that night we were texting and I told him. He said I was a God soul, I was ment for this and need to step up not be afraid... Well It was awhile later I was trying to go to sleep but this kept bugging me and I heard God tell me. Just read. I turned and my bible was next to my bed. I opened it and Never have I read this part: Psalm 56 3-4 Whenever I am afraid I willtrust you. In God I will praise his name, In God I have put my trust; I will not fear. What can flesh do to me?.... I was so tooken back by this. God had never spoke to me so clearly in my life. I texted nick right away to tell him about it and he called me saying Rachel I loved that text. I was amazing really, you dont know how good that is...
So mainly I just wanted to tell everyone about this because lately I really havent felt God. I wasnt seeking him as much as before but I really focused and got the best answer ever!
Well Im in computer class right now and I have been thinking all since yesterday at church. Some of my friends can see angels and …
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