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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/8dyourstruly8d
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emma goodman
emma goodman
ahh ur background is so legit! u always have the best ones ;3
emma goodman
whoa not kewl :( they don\'t have any good music on mypraize as it is :*( i was rlly lookin foward to \"I Can Tell\"
emma goodman
wow! i rlly like u guys!!!
emma goodman
no, lol ^_^ it was a character from death note that died, :( *starts to tear up* D*: he was the best!!! lol he had like 3 names in the show, lol (hideki ryuga, ryusaki, and \"L\") ^_^
mandi foster
aww u stopped watching it!!!!!!!!! its really good though, who do u like that died
emma goodman
well i stopped watching it cuz my fav character died D*: i almost cried! lol its a good show and all, but its just too depressing for meh =/ lol
mandi foster
oh, i\'ve heard death note was good but i havent seen it yet
emma goodman
hahaha yup its katie ^_^ that was the day we all went to the townscenter, and thx, lol hahaha its \"L\" from death note! i love him!! i\'m only on ep 25 rite now tho, but i\'m gonna cry if light kills him off D*: i\'m srrs lol he\'s my fav
mandi foster
awesome pic emma, who r u with/ is that katie?
mandi foster
oh kool b/g 2!!
Kaitlyn Bailey
haha i seen them all... im goin for the naruto shippuden movies well the ones that have sauke in them haha makes mandi mad that him
Kaitlyn Bailey
haha i seen them all... im goin for the naruto shippuden movies well the ones that have sauke in them haha makes mandi mad that him
alex taylor
emma goodman
hahaha well thx, lol, ugh i just got ungrounded...again...lets just see how long this lasts ;] lol

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