
Isabella Robbins







27 Sep

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Bio : I like to listen to Adventures in Odyssey
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Isabella Robbins
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago


What complex machine has its own electrical power supply, can run non-stop for more than 70 years, pumps enough liquid to fill three oil tankers, yet is small enough to fit in your hand?

It's your heart.

The average human heart pumps the equivalent of 2,000 gallons of blood through 60 thousand miles of veins and arteries each day. Talk about productivity! But now and then things can go wrong. Diseases. Irregular heartbeats. Even heart attacks.

In ?Have a Heart,? Buddy and Zoe learned why Dion missed four months of school. No, he wasn't a secret agent, and he didn?t go to jail. He?d had a heart transplant. But the biggest surprise of all was that, suddenly, Dion wasn't being a bully anymore. Receiving a new heart led to a . . . change of heart.

In Ezekiel 36:26-27, the nation of Israel had been making bad choices. So the Lord told them, ?I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.? God wanted this merciful healing to affect Israel?s behavior. The nation received a new heart and a fresh opportunity to be what the Lord wanted them to be.

Have you experienced that kind of spiritual heart transplant? Did it make you want to think and act differently? Don?t wait for a close call like Dion?s to let God operate on your heart. If you haven?t already done so, ask God for a new heart right now.

What complex machine has its own electrical power supply, can run non-stop for more than 70 years, pumps enough liquid to … Read More
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Isabella Robbins
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago


You rush down the hallway, late again. As your classroom comes into view you remember that your parents never signed your permission slip. Oh no! Looking around, you realize no one is watching. So you pull out the slip and scribble your dad?s signature.

When we panic, we can do things we?d never do if we had more time to think and pray about it. Have you ever gotten caught in a tight spot and made a bad choice like that? Even if no one ever found out, it would still bother you because, deep inside, you?d know that what you did was wrong. Not only that, God knows.

God is everywhere. He knows everything. For people who don?t have a relationship with Jesus Christ, that can be a frightening, intimidating thought. But if you?re a Christian it should be a comfort. That?s because the Bible reassures us that God already knows our thoughts and actions, and He still loves us.

?The Case of the Ball Cap Hero? reminds us that even if we think we?re being clever about covering up our sin, we can?t fool everyone. In the episode, Emily and Matthew cracked the case. In our lives, God is the one who knows the whole truth. And if we don?t repent, the consequences are steep. Proverbs 5:22 warns that sinners are trapped by their evil deeds and held tight by the ropes of their sin.

Fortunately, people don?t have to stay trapped. The good news of 1 John 1:9 is this: ?If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.? Sure, you may still get punished for forging your dad?s signature, but in God?s eyes you?re clean!

You rush down the hallway, late again. As your classroom comes into view you remember that your parents never signed your … Read More
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Kathi (Admin)
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago
Isabella, all videos must go through the approval process. Thanks for understanding! :)
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Isabella Robbins
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago


Mmmm! Imagine bits of juicy steak dipped in a tasty sauce and joined by the flavor of peas and carrots. You open your mouth and take a bite. Wait a minute. Something?s very wrong here. Blecch! This isn't a fancy steak dinner, it's . . . dog food!You must?ve eaten Fido's dinner by mistake. After all, no one in his right mind would eat dog food on purpose. Or would they?

Believe it or not, some people do?and they're professionals at it. Dog Food Taster is a real job. These people sample canine cuisine and write reports about its taste and texture. Companies use that information to fine-tune dog food recipes so that, when bags of kibble arrive in stores, dog owners can feel confident they?re buying something Fido will love.

How would you like the job of Professional Dog Food Taster? Maybe you're interested in something else, like becoming a software engineer or a nurse. Maybe you dream of designing buildings, or writing radio dramas for Adventures in Odyssey. In today?s episode, ?Walter's Flying Bus,? Camilla Parker learns that God has a special purpose for every one of us!

When Camilla tries out Whit's new program in the Inspiration Station, she meets Walter, a young orphan with a big dreams and a vivid imagination. He and his friends teach Camilla that God gives everyone skills that can be used to help others. In John 15:16, Jesus even tells us that He chose us to follow Him and tell others about God's love. Being hand-picked by Jesus means that you are very special. He has a purpose for you. So whether He has given you the desire to become a bus driver, an engineer or a dog food taster, use that opportunity to bless others as you represent Him.

Mmmm!   Imagine bits of juicy steak dipped in a tasty sauce and joined by the flavor of peas and carrots. You open your … Read More
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Isabella Robbins
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago


What do you call a guy who won't listen to his family, steals food, starts fights, and then runs and hides? Most people would call him a troublemaker. But you can call him Hiroo Onada. Onada was the last Japanese soldier to surrender after World War II ended. It took him 29 years to stop fighting and go home. So why did he keep fighting?

Onada had been trained to obey orders. His last order was to spy on American soldiers in the Philippines. Since no one told him to stop, Onada kept on going even though it meant hiding in the jungle and stealing food to stay alive. His family tried to convince him to come home, but he wouldn't listen. Finally, the Japanese government sent his former commander to order him home in 1974. Officially released from his assignment, Onada reconnected with family and lived another 40 years after his surrender.

Was Hiroo Onada a stubborn man? Maybe. But he also chose to obey orders, which is admirable. That's something a selfish wooden boy needed to learn in today's Odyssey adventure, ?Pinocchio: The Tale of a Foolish Puppet, Part 1.? From the moment Geppetto carved him from a block of wood, Pinocchio made bad decisions. His worst was listening to the Fox and the Cat, which cost him all of his money . . . and maybe his father, Geppetto. Is it too late to make things right?

Pinocchio could have listened to the voices of wisdom in his life: Geppetto, the cricket and the owl. But he didn?t. Each of us has decisions to make as well. We can be foolish, like Pinocchio, or we can follow King Solomon's example in 1 Kings 15 and ask God for wisdom. The choice we make will have a big effect on our lives.

What do you call a guy who won't listen to his family, steals food, starts fights, and then runs and hides? Most people wo… Read More
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Isabella Robbins
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago


Sometimes we read things in the Bible that don?t make sense. At least, not at first . . .

For example, Matthew 12:20-21 is speaking of Jesus when it says, ?A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. . . . In his name the nations will put their hope.? What do those words from the prophet Isaiah mean? Is it saying that Jesus wouldn?t snap a piece of grass in half or blow out candles? Not exactly.

Shepherds used reeds to make a certain small musical instrument. Once cracked or worn, it was useless, ready to be tossed aside. And a candle with a smoldering wick couldn?t produce much light. Most people would just snuff it out and find a better one. Both of these items represent people that the world considered useless, but who God wants to rescue, restore and use for His glory. Jesus won?t break them or snuff them out. Quite the opposite. He came to show mercy and compassion toward the weak. So if you?re feeling useless, this verse says that Christ refuses to give up on you!

It?s comforting to know that God understands our frailties and doesn?t demand perfection. That gives us hope in hard times, and is the message Will wants to take to the youth of Alaska in ?The Cure.? He tells Wooton that he feels called to help the kids who no one else cares about?the ones who have lost all hope. Just as sled dogs carried a medical cure through ice and snow to save lives in 1925, Will?s team is saving lives by carrying the spiritual cure: hope in Christ.

Sometimes we read things in the Bible that don?t make sense. At least, not at first . . . For example, Matthew 12:20-21 i… Read More
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Isabella Robbins
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

Resting in Jesus

In Psalm 23, David refers to God as our shepherd. And in John 10:11, Jesus calls himself the ?good shepherd? who lays down his life for the sheep. So who are the sheep? That would be us. And we?re more like sheep than you may realize . . .

For one thing, you might be surprised at how difficult it is to get those wooly critters to relax, lie down and trust their shepherd. There are actually four significant obstacles to sheep being able to, as the Psalm says, ?lie down in green pastures?:

1)  These timid creatures must be free from fear. It only takes one member of the group to show anxiety for the others to get skittish, even if they don?t know why.

2)  Sheep won?t lie down if they?re hungry. Most shepherds operate in dry, sun-scorched wastelands, as David did. Food is scarce. Sheep will roam restlessly until their bellies are full.     

3)  They can?t relax if plagued by flies or parasites. Rather, they shake their heads, stamp their feet and run around to get relief.

4)  Sheep won?t lie down if they?re having conflict with others in the flock. Jealousy and bullying are part of a social hierarchy called the ?butting order.? It makes sheep restless and irritable. 

Sheep need the shepherd to care for these needs. He understands them and wants his flock to be at peace. So why, when we face similar obstacles to serenity and rest, do we try all sorts of solutions before turning to our shepherd, Jesus? Green pastures await if we trust the Lord and follow Him!

In Psalm 23, David refers to God as our shepherd. And in John 10:11, Jesus calls himself the ?good shepherd? who lays down… Read More
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Isabella Robbins
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago


Some people will do anything for candy. If you know the story of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, you?ll remember that Edmund really blew it. Lured by the promise of delicious Turkish delight, he betrayed his brother and sisters, nearly bringing destruction on all of Narnia. Fortunately, the great lion king Aslan saved the day. Aslan could have made Edmund suffer for his sin, but forgave him instead.

It seems everyone needed forgiveness and mercy in the final installment of ?The Ties That Bind.? Jules, Hadley and even Ms. Adelaide received compassion in spite of the trouble caused by their deception and intolerance. It can be hard to forgive at times. Especially when we?ve been hurt deeply. But instead of holding a grudge, Wooten, Connie and Whit extended grace to those who had wronged them.

It?s easy to show love and mercy to someone who is nice to us. However, Jesus commands that we show the same kindness to people who work against us! Is someone in your life talking badly about you or stirring up trouble right now? In Luke 6:27-28 Jesus taught, ?Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who call down curses on you. And pray for those who treat you badly.?

Jesus showed us what that kind of forgiveness, mercy and love looks like by dying on the cross for us. It wan?t because we cooperated with Him or were easy to love. He did it because His love didn?t depend on how people acted. In fact, His amazing love and mercy are what inspired author C.S. Lewis to write that powerful story about Aslan and Edmund. Sweet!

Some people will do anything for candy. If you know the story of   The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,   you?ll rememb… Read More
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Isabella Robbins
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

Standing for our faith

You have a Bible club at school. Friends and classmates come each week to talk about God, read Scripture and have fun together. Then one day, the principal interrupts your meeting to announce that you can no longer have this Christian get-together because it?s against the law. What do you do?

That may sound far-fetched, but some students in the United States have been challenged by people who think ?separation of church and state? means that Christians shouldn?t meet on school property. In Part 13 of ?The Ties That Bind,? Matthew?s parents have a serious talk with Ms. Adelaide about her behavior towards Christian students. Even though it?s not always easy to stand strong when people disagree with our beliefs, it?s important to be respectful, ask questions and stand up for what?s right.

In the Old Testament, Queen Esther faced a moment like that when Haman plotted to rid the kingdom of all Jews. He had even convinced the king to sign an edict to have the Jews killed on a certain day. Esther (a Jew herself) knew the only hope for her people was to ask her husband for help, even though approaching the king without an invitation could be punishable by death. But this was her moment. Esther?s bravery paid off, and Haman?s plot was defeated. 

In Ecclesiastes 3:1 King Solomon wrote, ?There?s a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.? In verse 7 he says there?s ?a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak.? You?ll have your own opportunities to speak for what?s right. The best way to prepare is to read your Bible and pray daily. That will help you develop a godly attitude toward others. And that?s a good thing whether you have a Ms. Adelaide in your life or not.

You have a Bible club at school. Friends and classmates come each week to talk about God, read Scripture and have fun toge… Read More
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Isabella Robbins
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago


Maggie seemed to have it all, and Kirsten was jealous.

Maggie had lived all over the world. She?d taken selfies on snowy mountain peaks and tropical beaches. Videos showed her riding an ostrich and swimming with dolphins. So many cool experiences! You see, Maggie?s dad traveled a lot for his job. She?d never lived anywhere for more than a year. But it wasn?t as much fun as Maggie made it look on social media. In truth, Maggie was jealous of Kirsten! She would have given anything to live in the same house and build long-term friendships like Kirsten had.

Camilla Parker is learning a thing or two about envying other people?s lives. In today?s episode, ?The Ties That Bind, Part 6,? she tells Buck how cool she thinks it is that he lived on the road. He never even had to go to school. But while Buck?s old life might seem glamorous to her, it was anything but. He lived a life of crime with Mr. Skint and had to face the consequences. The fact is, Buck wishes for a warm home like the one Camilla has enjoyed.

It?s easy to ?idealize? someone else?s life. That simply means we imagine it far better than it actually is. We all have different experiences that God ultimately wants to use for our growth . . . and for His glory. Some events happen to us. Others are the result of our choices. And everyone is different. Isaiah 64:8 says, ?Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.? The next time you feel envious of someone, remember that God has big plans for you. Thank Him for the way He?s shaping and molding your life!

Maggie seemed to have it all, and Kirsten was jealous. Maggie had lived all over the world. She?d taken selfies on snowy … Read More
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Kathi (Admin)
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago
Hey Isabella, you entered your video incorrectly so it is not displaying properly. The way to do it would be 1. Enter the title (Adventures in Odyssey) 2. On the same line hit the space bar twice and then enter the YouTube link 3. Save. I can fix that for you if you would like. Just let me know. Kathi, admin
Hey Isabella, you entered your video incorrectly so it is not displaying properly. The way to do it would be 1. Enter the title (ARead More
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Isabella Robbins
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago

Role Models

Brother Mathias Boutlier saw something special in a troubled young boy named George. The 7-year-old had been sent to St. Mary?s Industrial School for Boys by his parents in 1902. That reform school is where the two met. Brother Mathias impacted George?s life in a variety of ways, such as teaching him about baseball . . .

Everyone could see that George was extremely gifted with a bat, ball and glove. In fact, he got so good that he became a professional baseball player?a powerful pitcher who became even more famous for his long home runs. That?s when George took on a different name: Babe Ruth. As a New York Yankee, George Herman ?Babe? Ruth won four World Series titles and became the league?s all-time home run king. Still considered one of the greatest baseball players of all time, George owed much of his success to the Christian man who taught him to how play.

In today?s episode, ?The Ties That Bind, Part 1,? we see the results of Katrina and Eugene taking an interest in Buck Oliver. Because of the impact they?d had on Buck?s life during the Green Ring Conspiracy (in Album 53), Buck asked to be released to them once he?d served his time.

Eugene and Katrina only knew Buck for a short time before he went into custody. Still, they made an impression. Ephesians 4:11-12 says, ?And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.? Each of us can influence the lives of others. We can encourage each other, pray together, and build each other up. Your kindness and encouragement may make a huge difference in someone?s life.

Brother Mathias Boutlier saw something special in a troubled young boy named George. The 7-year-old had been sent to St. M… Read More
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Isabella Robbins
4 years ago
Edited 4 years ago


In the Pixar movie Inside Out, an 11-year-old girl?s emotions (Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness) join forces to help her adapt to her family?s move to a big city. Things get pretty crazy. Have you ever felt like you were being controlled by your emotions, unable to snap out of it and change your feelings?

Believe it or not, even good feelings can push our buttons and make it difficult to move forward. That?s what happens to Penny in today?s yuletide Odyssey Adventure Club episode, ?All By Myself.? She wants to recapture the wonderful emotions she experienced during a church retreat. So Penny drives up to snowy Trickle Lake to be alone with God and recreate that experience. But distractions await. And no matter how hard she tries, she can?t seem to reproduce those feelings.

Fortunately, Penny has a good Christian friend to give her a healthy perspective. As Connie explains, time alone with God is great, but we can also find spiritual strength and encouragement while having fun with friends or comforting someone who?s struggling.

We shouldn?t let our emotional ups and downs keep us from feeling close to God. Ecclesiastes 3 says there is ?a season for every activity under heaven . . . a time to weep and a time to laugh.? And our loving Creator wants to be part of all of them. No matter what we do or how we?re feeling, He is with us. And best of all, God knows us inside out.

In the Pixar movie   Inside Out,   an 11-year-old girl?s emotions (Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness) join forces to… Read More
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Isabella Robbins
Isabella Robbins
Kathi (Admin)
Isabella, all videos must go through the approval process. Thanks for understanding! :)
Isabella Robbins
Mandisa forgives Simon Cowell
Isabella Robbins
Isabella Robbins
Isabella Robbins
Isabella Robbins
Resting in Jesus
Isabella Robbins
Isabella Robbins
Standing for our faith
Isabella Robbins
Kathi (Admin)
Hey Isabella, you entered your video incorrectly so it is not displaying properly. The way to do it would be 1. Enter the title (Adventures in Odyssey) 2. On the same line hit the space bar twice and then enter the YouTube link 3. Save. I can fix that for you if you would like. Just let me know. Kathi, admin
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Adventures in Odyssey
Isabella Robbins
Role Models
Isabella Robbins

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