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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/afrothunder
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Matt Miranda
Jacklyn Figueroa
Hey You!! See you tomorrow! -Jackie
nina harden
Jacklyn Figueroa
Hey Matt! How have you been? How\'s school going? Well I just thought I\'d stop by and say hi! Well I\'ll talk to you later... Jackie
Matt Miranda
My Favorite Girl
Matt Miranda
Dude I never said Keily was my girlfriend! Thanks though. adios
Matt Miranda
Someone help me!
Matt Miranda
Yea man! I love you too! Scoops!!!!! :lol:
Matt Miranda
Hey bro! Sorry about that whole thing with Keily. She just means a lot to me, but she told me you guys were just cool like that so.....sorry, I\'ll stay out of your hair. Have a nice life. Jesus love ~Matt~ :D
Matt Miranda
Hey there, sexy! :shock:
Matt Miranda
Dude, whatever! You wrote in that message that you were single so maybe you should check that out :shock: And btw, \"sup hottie\" is not the best way to greet a girl if she\'s NOT your girlfriend. How would ur girl like that? I\'m not trying to get u 2 stop talking 2 her, I just want you to treat her with repect. Thanks
matthew pereira
ohla capaca como estie...i think?how u doin cuh whats crackalakin well ttyl peace out~matt 8)
Matt Miranda
Dude, get a life!
Matt Miranda
Hey Jackie! Thanks for asking...I\'m doing great. I just started at IRCC, and I\'m working on and off. I hope you doing good. Let me know if you want to hang! later :D
Jacklyn Figueroa
Hey Matt! Well I just thought I\'d stop by and say hi, and see how you\'re doing... :] Anyways, I hope everything is going well, tell yuor family I said hi! God Bless! Love ya, Jackie

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