Ashley LaFaso
Have a very Merry Christmas! :D And a Happy New Year!
brandi williams
Hey rachel
rachel bowers
hey hannah I miss you so much come home soon I\'ll see you later. keepn up the good work stay with christ. I lOVe YoU.
rachel bowers
hey girl keep in there the lord wil help you with your problems. I love you see you around.
rachel :D :) :lol: 8) :wink:
brandi williams
hey rachel what are you doing :?: :?: this is yuor sister :!: :!:
Ashley LaFaso
hey i made a group called first baptist baldwin :D
rachel bowers
[b] hey its rachel and i was just wanting to tell you that you did a wounderful job today I\'m really proud of you :D . I know that the Lord is watching over you.
love ya girl,
Ashley LaFaso
hey this is ashley lafaso :D