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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/amity
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Amity Taylor
Jake,me and one of our friends acting stra
Amity Taylor
Sarah Jones
hey Amity, You havent been on here in forever!
Amity Taylor
I don\'t think Jake has one, I\'ll have to tell him about it :D How\'s your spring break??
Amity Taylor
I\'m just going to sit around at home LOL. It\'s okay...the reason it says that is because I made this like a week ago and just got back on today.
Amity Taylor
Ugh! I hate staying with other people LOL!
Amity Taylor
HAHA! Well, I\'m glad you guys get along so well :wink:
Amity Taylor
Really?? That was a really awsome idea! Everyone still wears those.
Gentry Fisher
my spring break is good, don\'t have any plans or anything. What about you? (Ok, im lost...not that it matters, but on ur pic, it says \"ur boyfriend\" are yall still \"talking\" or no? Well its dosent matter, dont worry about it. Don\'t answer that)
Gentry Fisher
O ok....well its none of my biz anyway, and it\'s doesnt include me. So yeah, well my only plans for spring break...well my mom has to go somewhere for work and som im going to stay whith some family friends, they\'re pretty kool, but it\'ll be kinda weird lol!
Gentry Fisher
lol, well the mom or the girl whatever u want to call her, she\'s really kool, we\'re almost just alike, both sarcastic(sp) and stuff...lol, and her fam is kool too, it\'ll be ok. lol
Gentry Fisher
yeah, well her and her husband work at the school, and im their aid 7th hour, her son was also the guy that came up with the fish pick necklaces that we sold for my brother, wyatt. so we also got to know then throught that too.
Gentry Fisher
(i just posted this thing on my own wall! oops!) i wear one everyday. It\'s just kinda special to me i guess. I have a tan line from it lol! Yeah it was a great idea, we sold them for another kid that passed away (it was sad) but now we have a ton that are waiting to be sold, we just don\'t have a student to sell the, for. the other boy went to stratford i think.
Amity Taylor
Yeah, I got a my ditty...but I\'m still waiting for the conformation e-mail LOL :D
Gentry Fisher
hey! Im the first to sign ur wall! Well......thats kool that u got a mypraize, but i fould this think called ditty talk....at www.dittytalk.com its just like myspace but christian! u can have layouts and use codes and everything, and u cant do that on here, but this is kool too! ttyl! :D

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