Paige Yocum
Hey, you should join the BIGGEST GROUP EVER group!
Ashley McGee
lol. thats super funny.
your uncle, my grandpa, lindz dad. and were all the same age :]] lol. but yeah i havent seen you in forever where you live again?
Courtney Yearous
hi ashley! long time no see! i totally remember you too, but i couldn\'t remember from where- and then you said grandpa alan\'s birthday party and i had no idea who you were talking about. but then i realized... my uncle, your gpa and linz\' dad are all the same person and we\'re all the same age- wierd. :D
Ashley McGee
so yeahh i figured out we did was at my grandpa alans birthday party and we hung out. lol so i know atsatly who you are now. you prolly have know who i was the whole time. lol.
Ashley McGee
hey whats upp?
this is lindseys neice ashley. :]] have i met you before or anything?? cus idk if i have you look really familar but idk. ?? :] cmb
Paige Yocum
I know Linz form our homeschool group. Um.... No I don\'t think I\'ve met you before.
Paige Yocum
Yeah, I know this guy that\'s like 14 and his aunt is like 12.
Paige Yocum
That\'s good that you guys get along now:)