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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/azngirl101
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Jennifer Quach
Em Beardsley
Im soooo sorry! i meant to write to u over the week, but the week was genuine chaos so i think im gonna call sofina and get the plan together
Jen Miller
Oh... um, the lead singer in the Killers... is a Jahovas Witness...
Jen Miller
Totally! Oh and PKMN Snap RULES! Beat the game in 5 days! played it again on thursday night and beat it again in less than 3 hours! :D
Jennifer Quach
ooOooOoo..cool..very nice, man..somethin is wrong with my internet connections..so yah..D=. But yup..i\'m gettin super smash brawl when it\'s commin out too!
Jennifer Quach
ohhhh... very cute picture by the way. =D
Jen Miller
I gots internet! I put added it on myself. Lemme c- I gots Zelda, Wii play, Wii sports (duh!), WANT TO GET S.S.BROS BRAWL... and when I get wii points I\'m getting PKMN Snap! :D
Jennifer Quach
yup..gettin ones good enough. so did yah get any games for it-?
Jen Miller
... parents don\'t think its \"essencial\" for a wii. I should be glad I gots one. NO Senor citizen got my wii!
Em Beardsley
Dude i love the killers...do you like taking back sunday or cobra starship?
Jennifer Quach
awwww poor jen...gots a cold...but did cha hook ur wii to the internet yet-?
Jen Miller
AHA! on the computor at same time! You can talk to me!... or not. I\'m tired... I gots a cold and my parents don\'t know about the internet hook up to my Wii... :(
Jennifer Quach
OMB...hahah u got a wii now?! that\'s awesome! maybe when i finally hook mine to the internet, we can play each other....HAHHAA! :D
Jen Miller
Okay paid off my ENTIRE house! YES! Now I love mess\'n with the HRA and putting Sahara\'s wallpaprs and carpets with other series (Snowmen on a tropical island!) :lol: I also got the throne! My neighbor Elvis threw it away! :D
Jen Miller
Oh ya, guitar hero... I don\'t know if I can play it. It\'s like DDR, foot-eye coordination = bad, but it\'s hand-eye... IDK. OH, I GOTS A WII 4 CHRISTMAS! Legend of Zelda: Twilit Princess!

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