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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/bananafresh
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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hannah is cool
silly jean marie
hola, mi bonita. I'm liking the page. very green. kinda reminds me of your face. just sayin'... :lol: heh heh jk, dawl
hannah is cool
hey! sorry it took me so long to write back, my lifes been crazy..... but anyways, hi! i think i shall now read your profile :D
jules wood
hey love the profile! U should sign my wall L8ter :D
silly jean marie
I think so, yeah.
hannah is cool
yeah, cool! so do we know for sure now?
silly jean marie
guess what! it's not anymore. now it's like...3 days. hehe. I am looking forward greatly to it. *jumps around and knocks something over that lands with a loud crash on the floor* oops...uh oh *runs away as mom's footsteps are heard approaching*
hannah is cool
yeah alright im done crying now..... so guess what! its either 7 or 8 days till you come! i might need to know whether its 7 or 8 cuz id like to tell my mom when to expect you......
hannah is cool
what do you mean 'haha jk' do you not actually like me? gosh im gonna go cry now.....
silly jean marie
ok...that too...haha no. I love you, Hanner darling. stop crying now, I haven't rejected you as a friend. it's ok. haha
silly jean marie
um...thanks. because, as we all know, being a hippy is so much better than being emo...lol and yes I like the flower, thank you for noticing it. hehe anyway. k bye.
silly jean marie
and no, you can't spell, but I like you anyway. hehe jk...
hannah is cool
yeah ya know what? you look like such a hippie in the 'peaceout' pic. i dont know what tom thinks emo is, but that aint it. you have a flower in your hair you heavens sake! oh yeah and i like the new song...... ttyl darling :D
hannah is cool
for*. not you. gosh i cant type. and you cant edit these posts. dang.
Hannah Banana
hey! i haven't talked to you in a while! i am still not happy about you taking my name! JK JK! :) except i think i'm the one who took your name! lol ok sorry! just wanted to say hi! so HIIIIIIIII! :) ttyl lulas Hannah

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