The hardest thing I ever had to do was let you go & say good-bye
forever...Because with all the memories that we shared ment alot to me and still do.
Its hard to let go of someone you really cared about and loved them with all your heart.
And that person telling you they "love you" and "care about you" more than anything.
Having them turn around and leave you really hurts.
Feels like they stabbed a sharp sword in your heart and rip it out and all thats left is the blood and little pieces of your heart.
And the only person that can fix it is the person who destroyed it.
You start to realize that they have moved on and are never coming back. You are left laying there, in a pool of your own blood.
Thinking that its your fault they left, and thinking that you need to change for them to come back.
but they wont come back, evereverever, cause they've moved on& relize they thought they were in love, but werent.
and even though you know this
you cant help but stilll love them, there still your world, and you would still do anything in the frickin world fer them.
you stay up day& night wanting them back,
crying yourself to sleeep.
but you've got to relize it wasnt your fault, so stop trying to change.