Ash-Zilla Batts
I saw the group that you made and i saw that it only had you in it so i joined just to let you know talk to you later joygirl1213 8) 8)
Rebecca Drew
Rebecca Drew
I CAN"T WAIT!!!! :) :D
MyLordIsLove YouWishYouKnew
I understand where you're coming from by not listening to them; they're not exactly "Christian Material"...But if you really listen to the music, it has a good message.
Anyways, I'm so depressed they shut down the boards forever! I've been addicted to them! Well, at least we can still PM each other and everyone else...Talk to ya later! :D
Rebecca Drew
Yeah.. I heard and they shut it down..... FOREVER... Sadness... Yeah... green day... I really dont listen to secular music... sorry... :D
Rebecca Drew
MyLordIsLove YouWishYouKnew
Ah, you're not a Green Day fan...I see...Well, that's okay, a lot of people I know don't care for them...Anyways, thanks for accepting my invite and you're layout is awesome; I love Underoath! Well, I guess I'll talk to you later...Oh! And did you hear about what happened to the BattleCry forums? :shock: I think it's terrible! Bye!