MyPraize Band
Belinda Jane Nominated for three Momentum Awards
MyPraize Band
Merry Christmas!
MyPraize Band
You\'re very talented
MyPraize Band
Thank you for adding me, Belinda. I enjoyed and appreciated your bio. Keep singing for the Father. You are right, He is the Author of the Song... Jill
MyPraize Band
Thanks for adding me to your profile! May God bless you as you serve Him!
Belinda Jane :D
MyPraize Band
About "The Heart of God"
Chelsie Boyd
Thanks for stopping by and for the add request.
Keep on doing what you do for Jesus and always remember that everyone can reach someone for Jesus and you are never too old or young to do something for God.
MyPraize Band
Good to see you here as well! God Bless
MyPraize Band
Hey Chelsie! Hope all is well! You are in my prayers!
MyPraize Band
Good to see you here! Peace!
Belinda Jane