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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/blue-glowie7
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Seth Tucker
Me & Maryn (my daughter)
Seth Tucker
Seth playing guitar
Seth Tucker
Valera Caywood
be my buddy
Jennae Schenk
I saw your profile through Taken Effect\'s page. I like the idea of a daily devotion or scripture. I wonder...why haven\'t you started this? Anyways, think about it, pray about it....it would be an awesome idea to reach a lot of people. Keep doing what your doing. :wink:
Seth Tucker
Honest, black is my favorite color, but blue glowie is actually a combo of God and Star Wars. Blue Glowies are Jedi\'s who have died in the body and become \'one with the Force\', I feel as a christian I can relate alot to dying in the flesh and becoming one with God\'s Force, hence \'Blue Glowie\'. :wink:
Courtney Wall
hey wha up!! i havent talk 2 ya in a while. well i hope ur days r great. well i got 2 go. bye. Luv Ya Lots,Courtney :wink:
atziri lagunas
hey! it looks like you like blue! haha :D
Charis Ditto
hey i loved your blog... you seem like a good nice guy... i love the devotion ideas... id be reader.
Seth Tucker
Thanks for the add, please feel free to check out my band arbor Vitae here on mypraize, you can find a link to it through my buddies list. If you like, please feel free to pass around. God Bless. :D
Seth Tucker
Thanks for the add bud. Since we are both music guys, feel free to visit my band arbor Vitae here on mypraize. You can find a link to the page through my buddy list. God Bless :D
Seth Tucker
How I know that God is real
Seth Tucker
invitation to you
Seth Tucker
Thanks for the add, feel free to check out the link to my band 'arbor Vitae' Mypraize page and let me know what you think of the demo sample. :D God Bless
danielle cichy
hey whats up??? well thankz about my background uum.. i liek yours too

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