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Bio : {{config.wall.profile.bio}}
Musical Influences : {{config.wall.profile.musicalInfluences}}
Genre : {{config.wall.profile.genre}}
Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/bnuzzolo
Edited {{content.lastEdited|timeSince}}
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Brittany Nuzzolo
hmm....the sadness
Brittany Nuzzolo
My pics (Im the one with brown hair)
Brittany Nuzzolo
huh another photo
Brittany Nuzzolo
Brittany Nuzzolo
just me in the car
Brittany Nuzzolo
me :)
Brittany Nuzzolo
Brittany Nuzzolo
Kye Dittman
hey hey watz goin on my long lost friend?????? ;) :)
Josh m
anyways how have ya been there Ms. Britt?? sorry i haven\'t called my msg will tell u a lil more about why...from what i remember haha anyways hope you\'re havin a wonderful day! Love you miss Nuzzolo!
Josh m
w00t! i\'m numba 1!!! this is cause for a celebration!! k now someone\'s gotta buy me confetti and a large elephant and a small zebra! don\'t ask why! cuz you\'ll get an even dumber answer!
Tanner Lang
hey i know u!
David Fleming
haha ya california is pretty sweet. i live in san francisco but im dying to go down to so cal or something like that. i like it down there
Brittany Nuzzolo
yepperdoodles I love florida! lol yeah I\'ve always wanted to go to california, you like it there?
Brittany Nuzzolo
same here just got back from the store :)

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