
bryanna griswell







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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/boots210
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bryanna griswell
9 years ago
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bryanna griswell
9 years ago
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bryanna griswell
9 years ago
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bryanna griswell
9 years ago
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bryanna griswell
9 years ago
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bryanna griswell
9 years ago
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bryanna griswell
9 years ago
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bryanna griswell
9 years ago
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bryanna griswell
9 years ago
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bryanna griswell
9 years ago
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bryanna griswell
15 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

Happiness Is Like A Dream

I know this is emo and sad,but i just wrote how i felt at that moment. Tell me if its any good or if i should just stick with photography only.


Happiness Is like a Dream


"Happiness is like a dream.

It can be so amazing,happy and perfect,

But sooner or later you're gonna have to

Wake Up, And Face Reality."

-Bryanna Griswell


I know this is emo and sad,but i just wrote how i felt at that moment. Tell me if its any good or if i should just stick with pho… Read More
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bryanna griswell
15 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

35 secrets

35 little secrets:​
Be honest no matter what!​

[​ZERO]​ Who was your last text from?I dont have a cell :(

[​ONE]​ Where was your default pic taken​?​Flickr

[​TWO]​ What's your middle name?Renee

[​THREE​]​ What's your status?​~single. but looking

[​FOUR]​ Have you ever lost a friend!yep

[​SIX]​ What's one of your sisters name?​Bethany

[​SEVEN​]​ What's your favorite color​?​Navy Blue!!

[​EIGHT​]​What's stopping you from going ​for the person you like?​i dont like anyone right now.

[​NINE]​ Have a crazy side?lol yea!

[​TEN]​ Ever had a near death​experience​?no i dont think so.

[​ELEVE​N]​ Who was your last voice mail from?​ummm...no one.

[​TWELV​E]​ Are you mad at anyone right now?yep.

[​THIRT​EEN]​ If you could​ go back in time and chang​e somet​hing,​ would​ you?yea.

[​FOURT​EEN]​ When is the last time you cried​?​i couple weeks ago, (dont ask why)

[​FIFTE​EN]​ Who would you do anything for?My friends,and my Dad.

[​SIXTE​EN]​ Are you happy ​with your life?​Some what, it could be worst

[​SEVEN​TEEN]​ Do you wish someone was dead?​uh no.

[​EIGHT​EEN]​ Who Is  someone that you will never​stop loving?​My Dad,and my best friends!

[​NINET​EEN]​What kind of phone ​do you have?I dont. :(

[​TWENT​Y ]Who do you trust​ most?​prolly Kara

[​TWENT​Y-​ONE]​ Have you ever been in a fist fight​?YES!!!I won!

[​TWENT​Y-​TWO]​Have you kissed someone in the past week?​HAHA!!!!!YEA RIGHT!

[​TWENT​Y-​THREE​ ] Do you speak​ any other​ language?​um, i can count to 20 in japanese.

[​TWENT​Y-​FIVE]​ Describe your life in one word.Friends

[​TWENT​Y-​SIX]​ Have you ever kissed in the rain?​nope

[​TWENT​Y-​SEVEN​]​ What are you thinking of right​ now?My so called best friend.

[​TWENT​Y-​EIGHT​ ] What should you be doing​ right​ now?getting ready to go.

[​TWENT​Y-​NINE]​ Who are you thinking of right ​now?How emily is washing the dishes and im just on the computer doing nothing.

[​THIRT​Y]​ What are you listening to right​now?Emily and curt talking about how many calories are in a serving of cereal

[​THIRT​Y-​ ONE] Who was the last person you told I love you to?um kara

[​THIRT​Y-​ TWO] Who was the last person who yelled at you?Ashley, yesturday lol. SHE MADE ME BLEED!!!I'VE GOT A  CUT ON MY HAND NOW!!

[​THIRT​Y-​ THREE​ ] Do you act differently around the person you like?​Depends

[​THIRT​Y-​ FOUR]​ What is your natural hair color​?​Brunette

[​THIRT​Y-​FIVE]​ Who was the last person to make you smile​?​My Dad

[​THIRT​Y-​ FOUR]​ What song are you listening to now?nothing.

[​THIRT​Y-​FIVE]​ Who was the last person to make you laugh?Ashley and kendall.

35 little secrets:​ Be honest no matter what!​ [​ZERO]​ Who was your last text from?I dont have a cell :… Read More
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Content Rejected
bryanna griswell
15 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

Can You Blow A Bubble?...

Can you blow a bubble? --with bubble gum i can.

Can you do a cart wheel? --Sadly no, ive try though.
Can you touch your toes? --barely

Can you wiggle your ears?--i little

Can you touch your tongue to your nose? --eww!!no!

Did you ever want to be a doctor? --Never.

Did you ever want to be a fire fighter? --uh...no

Did you ever want to be a teacher?-- id beat the children so no.

Did you ever break the law? --im sure i have, but i guess i didnt get caught!

Did you vote for Bush? --i couldn't, but i would have


Do you like rollercoasters? --No, i don't like going upside down.

Do you own a bike? --yea but its tires are flat.

Do you play the lotto?--Nope.

Do you like football? --its okay to watch, even more fun to play( if i dont get trampled)

Do you have a shopping addiction? -- no, but it seems like if i have money and go to the mall i never have any when i come out.

Does your family have family picnics? --every now and then

Does you wallet have any pics in it? -- its too small,i have to use tweezers to get the money out!

Does your job bring you satisfaction? --um babysitting? yea i guess so

Does a soft answer turn away wrath? --sometimes.

Last person you hung out with?--i guess ashley and kendall

Last car ride? --to come home from the prayer room.

Last text message?-- never...

Last baby you held? --Abbi!

LAST THING?What was the last thing you bought?--Gummie Bears!

What was the last thing you had to drink? --Sweet tea!

What was the last thing you watched? --zack and cody

What was the last thing you read? --this.

What was the last thing you hand wrote?  --"this."

THE WHOS:Who last talked to you on the phone?--My Mom.

Who was the last person you took a picture of?--Me?

Who was the last person [that you know] to leave you a comment?--Savannah.

Who do you miss right now?--Kara.

Who last hugged you?--Bethany.

Last person you hugged? --Same one that hugged me! I mean when ur hugged, U usually hug back!

What color shirt are you wearing? --Blue.

Have any tattoos? Nope, but i kinda want one.

Have you any piercings?--I want my ears pierced.

Straight hair or curly?--Straight sometimes,but sometimes it looks wavy.

Where are you?--at home.

Failed a class? --Nope.

Professed your love and been turned down? --I wouldnt say my LOVE. but yea i have.

Accomplished a life goal? --im sure i have i just can think of any.

Thought you were pregnant? --lol no!but i dreamed i was!

 Sang in front of a crowd? --Uh...NO!


1. --My Gerbil named Chipmunk

2. --My TV

3 .-- My Bed.

4 .--My Sisters Bed :(

5 . --My dresser

6 .--game cube.

1. In a relationship? --nope. :(

2. Want a relationship? --yea, not with just anybody. and by that i mean there is nobody i know that i like or ever would. right now anyways things could change.

3. Wanna get married?--yea someday.

1. --Whats up with Kara.

2. --Why don't I have a life.

3. --Wanting to see Kendall and Ashley again.

4. --I love music.




Can you blow a bubble? --with bubble gum i can. Can you do a cart wheel? --Sadly no, ive try though. Can you touch your toes? --b… Read More
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Content Rejected
ashley umm.... idk!!!
16 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
hey girl thank u 4 letting us spend the night at ur house call us tomorrow after churh g2g bye!
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Content Rejected
bryanna griswell
17 years ago
Edited 17 years ago
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bryanna griswell
pon and zi
bryanna griswell
pon and zi
bryanna griswell
pon and zi
bryanna griswell
pon and zi
bryanna griswell
pon and zi
bryanna griswell
pon and zi
bryanna griswell
pon and zi
bryanna griswell
pon and zi
bryanna griswell
pon and zi
bryanna griswell
bryanna griswell
Happiness Is Like A Dream
bryanna griswell
35 secrets
bryanna griswell
Can You Blow A Bubble?...
ashley umm.... idk!!!
hey girl thank u 4 letting us spend the night at ur house call us tomorrow after churh g2g bye!

My false

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