
Haley Hjerpe







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Profile URL : https://www.mypraize.com/braceface23
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Haley Hjerpe
9 years ago
Edited 9 years ago
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Haley Hjerpe
16 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

Moose makes me MADHAPPY!

Aight, so moose is my very best friend. :) he is soooo weird! he has another best friend that looks like he has down syndrome! its sooo cool. :) harrison secretly loves me. :) haha. he wants to date meeeee. he really does. :) haha

i love him to freakin death. :P

yup yup. :)



Aight, so moose is my very best friend. :) he is soooo weird! he has another best friend that looks like he has down syndrome! it… Read More
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Content Rejected
Haley Hjerpe
16 years ago
Edited 9 years ago

a little bout me. :)

<b>1. What was the highlight of your week?</b><br>the week has just begun.<br>
<b>2. Whose car were you in last?</b><br>my mom's. :)<br>
<b>3. When is the next time you will kiss someone?</b><br>idk. whenever i get to see jake.<br>
<b>4. What color shirt are you wearing?</b><br>a white one. :D<br>
<b>5. How long is your hair?</b><br>medium length.<br>
<b>6. Are you good looking?</b><br>i guess so,<br>
<b>7. Last movie you watched?</b><br>Fire Proof. :)<br>
<b>8. Who were you with?</b><br>myself? :D<br>
<b>9. Last thing you ate?</b><br>a popcicle. :)<br>
<b>10. Last thing you drank?</b><br>coke.<br>
<b>11. When was the last time you had your heart broken?</b><br>a little while back.<br>
<b>12. Who came over last?</b><br>Emma? maybe.<br>
<b>13. Are you happy right now?</b><br>yes. :)<br>
<b>14. What did you say last?</b><br>llama. hahah.<br>
<b>15. Where is your phone?</b><br>next to me.<br>
<b>16. What color are your eyes?</b><br>hazell.<br>
<b>17. Are you left-handed?</b><br>nope.<br>
<b>18. Spell your name without vowels:</b><br>HLY<br>
<b>19. Do you have any pets?</b><br>2 dogs. :)<br>
<b>20. Favorite Vacation?</b><br>Florida<br>
<b>21. What do you dislike currently?</b><br>liers, ;/<br>
<b>22. What are you listening to?</b><br>nothing.<br>
<b>23. If you could have one thing right now what would it be?</b><br>a milkshake. :D<br>
<b>24. What is your favorite scent?</b><br>vanillla.<br>
<b>25. Who makes you happiest?</b><br>Jake<br>
<b>26. What were you doing at midnight last night?</b><br>i had just gotten off the phone with jake & my phone died.<br>
<b>27. When is your birthday?</b><br>october, 19. :)<br>
<b>28. Who has the same phone as you?</b><br>no one. :D<br>
<b>29. Last time you went swimming in a pool?</b><br>last summer..<br>
<b>30. Do you read your horoscope?</b><br>yeah sometimes.<br>
<b>31. Where was the last place you bought something?</b><br>Rue 21<br>
<b>32. How do you feel about your hair right now?</b><br>i wish it was long again. :/<br>
<b>33. Do you bite your nails?</b><br>not since i got bracess/<br>
<b>34. Do you have any expensive jewelery?</b><br>a rinnng.<br>
<b>35. Do you have any expensive jewelery?</b><br>a RING. :D<br>
<b>36. Myspace or facebook?</b><br>myPRAIZE.<br>
<b>37. How fast have you driven a car?</b><br>i dont drive yet. :D<br>
<b>38. Have you ever smoked?</b><br>noooo.<br>
<b>39. What was or is your favorite subject in school?</b><br>science.<br>
<b>40. Do you have Verizon?</b><br>no.<br>
<b>41. What type of boy or girl do you usually fall for?</b><br>the hyperactive,sweet, boy. :)<br>
<b>42. Do you have any hidden talents?</b><br>i am double jointed.<br>
<b>43. Favorite Song?</b><br>What it takes- Adam Gregory<br>
<b>44. Do you like to sing at all?</b><br>yes. :)<br>
<b>45. Dream Job?</b><br>vet. :)<br>
<b>46. Where does most of your family live?</b><br>Wisconson&Memphis<br>
<b>47. Are you an only child or do you have siblings?</b><br>i have a half brother.<br>
<b>48. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?</b><br>a little. hah.<br>
<b>49. What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?</b><br>"i have to call harrison!"<br>
<b>50. Do you drink?</b><br>no.<br>
<b>51. Know any other languages?</b><br>spanish!<br>
<b>52. Ever write a coded message?</b><br>nooo.<br>
<b>53. Have you ever been IN a wedding?</b><br>yess.<br>
<b>54. Do you have any children?</b><br>nooo.<br>
<b>55. Did you take a nap today?</b><br>nah but i slept in pretty late.<br>
<b>56. Who has the same birthday as you?</b><br>my math teacher, my aunt<br>
<b>57. Ever met anyone famous before?</b><br>yes. :)<br>
<b>58. Do you want to be famous one day?</b><br>maybe.<br>
<b>59. Any Pet Peeves?</b><br>when people tap on desks.<br>
<b>60. Are you multitasking right now?</b><br>nope.<br>
<b>61. Do you like Britany Spears?</b><br>yesss.<br>
<b>62. What is your least favorite chore?</b><br>cleaning. blahhh.<br>
<b>63. Last place you drove your car?</b><br>nowhere.<br>
<b>64. Ever been out of the country?</b><br>no.<br>
<b>65. Where were you born?</b><br>Memphis. :)<br>
<b>66. Could you handle being in the military?</b><br>nooo.<br>
<b>67. What is your average cell phone bill?</b><br>$0<br>
<b>68. Who are you thinking about right now?</b><br>my amazing boyfriend Jacob&& my bestie harrison.<br>
<b>69. When was the last time you laughed REALLY hard?</b><br>when harrison called me a vicious  baby possom<br>
<b>70. How many pairs of shoes do you own?</b><br>a lot!<br>
<b>71. Are your toes always painted?</b><br>nooo.<br>
<b>73. What are you doing today?</b><br>nothing.<br>
<b>74. Have you ever been gambling?</b><br>no<br>
<b>75. When is the last time you updated your page?</b><br>earlier.<br>
<b>76. Do you like rollercoasters?</b><br>yes. :)<br>
<b>77. Have you ever been to disneyland or world?</b><br>nope.<br>
<b>78. Do you have a favorite cartoon character?</b><br>yeah. Dexter from Dexter's lab. XD<br>
<b>79. Last thing you cooked?</b><br>noodles. :)<br>
<b>80. How's the weather?</b><br>blahhh.<br>
<b>81. Do you e-mail?</b><br>yes. :)<br>
<b>82. What's the stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone?</b><br>when i had one, i decided to throw it into a bath tub. :D<br>
<b>83. Last time you were sick?</b><br>i dont remember.<br>
<b>84. What states have you lived in?</b><br>Tenessee<br>
<b>85. Do you wish you could move?</b><br>yes. :)<br>
<b>86. Do you take all the QuizPox.com quizzes?</b><br>noo.<br>
<b>87. What is your dream car?</b><br>Dodge 4 by 4. :)<br>
<b>88. Have you ever wanted someone you cant have?</b><br>yes,<br>
<b>89. If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?</b><br>with jake.<br>
<b>90. Are you happy with your life?</b><br>yes. :)<br>
<b>1. What was the highlight of your week?</b><br>the week has just begun.<br> <b>2. Whose car were… Read More
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Haley Hjerpe
Haley Hjerpe
Moose makes me MADHAPPY!
Haley Hjerpe
a little bout me. :)

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