briana ******
hi and i did :?: :?: :?:
Brittany White
how come you did not come to my house? and I know how to get a background!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Brittany Ashton
hey this is brittany\'s friend brittanyk and i like your music 8)
Karli White
hi carlee its me karli britts friend
Nicole Robbirds
Hey Carlee, how are you? Write back...keep in touch girl, ell your mom I said hi!!:)
Nicole Robbirds
Hey Carlee, how are you? Write back...keep in touch girl, tell your mom I said hi!!:)
Brittany White
hey Carlee
Brittany White
you can delete my old mypraize from your buddy list
Nicole Robbirds
Hey girl how you been? How do you like your new house and your new neighborhood?
Brittany White
hey Carlee how r u?
Brittany White
how did you get your background? :?: