Christy Lynnè
Hey wassup? I\'m Christy =)
Tiffany Hollifield
Hi Kyle how is everything?WEll i hope u had a Great Chirstmas and a Happy New year!! Well talk to u later dude!! I miss u guys and tell ur family i said hi!! Love ya!! :D
Hannah Peterson
i like your site. god bless
Tiffany Hollifield
Hi kyle how is it going? I just wanted to say hi well i will talk to u later byebye!!
Tiffany :D
Haley Blanchard
Hey my name is Haley! and i just got a page on this site and have like zero friends so i was lookin around and you seem nice so would you want to be my friend.
Kim W
hey, no problem. Not much is going on bout with you?
Taylor Mellas
hey whats up?? im bored.... how bout u?
Kyle Walters
Hey! thanks for adding me. Whats up?
Kyle Walters
Hey, thanks for adding me. Whats up?
Kyle Walters
Hey man, whats up? Showbread Rocks!
Tiffany Hollifield
Hi Kyle how is it going? Well i pray that u have a BLESSED EASTER!! Tell the family i said hi!! Talk to u later!! LOVE YA!! :D
Joey Tomlinson
Hey man, all is well at Liberty University, just very busy, its really good to hear from you, know that I am praying for you, and love ya very much
Tiffany Hollifield
Hi kyle how is it going? Well i hope it is great!! Well how is the job! Well i talk to u later!! LOVE U GUY!! :D
Kim W
heyy I was just looking at some sites and i was reading your testimony...i saw that you mentioned growing up in Awana. So did I! thats awesome. well holla back if ya got time...